Caw Caw! Bang! F**k, Im dead!

Возраст 55 из Tulsa, Oklahoma Онлайн Более 2 недель назад

Мужчина Ищу Женщину

Базовая информация Расскажите о себе.
  • Говорю на языках: Английский
  • Я бы описал(а) себя как If you really want to know about me, you'll have to ask lots of questions. I'm not overly complicated, but neither am I so gifted with the written word that I can manage to give you a glimpse of who I truly am with just a few paragraphs. if improving one's character is supposed to be a journey which lasts a lifetime, then trying to describe yourself to others in one of these things seems an equally arduous and drawn out journey.

    I live a fairly quiet life, and that's as much by choice as it is my current circumstances in life. If you're looking for someone that wants to go out 4 nights a week just to feel like you're having a good time and truly living life, then seek elsewhere. I'm not your type. I am neither lame nor cheap. I simply do not see why spending a weekend at home reading a good book is such a bad thing. And by good book, I mean Stephen R. Donaldson, Harlan Ellison, Neil Gaiman, Robert Jordan, etc.

    Music for me is a near spiritual experience at times. I couldn't tell you what gods I might believe in, if any, but whoever they are, I feel closest to them at times when my music is playing. I've always figured that a good concert is likely the closest I'll ever get to true heaven.

    If I come off seeming like I'm mad at the world in this profile, I can assure you that's not the case. Well, not entirely. I simply feel no need to waste my time trying to justify who I am to others. I'm a pretty okay person and I don't need to force others to see that in order to be okay with myself.

    A few random things about me...

    Just because I compliment you, that doesn't mean I'm trying to get into your pants, skirt, dress, bodice, etc. A well spoken and intelligently worded profile on here is more impressive to me than a few glamor shots or some revealing body photos. If I come across a profile that I feel is unique and fun to read, I'll send you a compliment. Regodless of whether or not I think we're the least bit compatible. Compliments shouldn't only be used with people you know or as a means of gaining something from a complete stranger.

    I'm firmly convinced that coffee belongs near the top of a top 10 list of things that make life worth living (just underneath music). A few days without coffee or music, and life ceases to be worth living.

    I do love a good red wine, but I'm not a wine snob. I'd rather be shot in the head than have to endure some wine tasting even filled with people in suits. On the other hand, if it comes in a box or with a metal screw top lid, it's not really wine in my opinion.

    I believe hockey is likely the only sport on TV worth watching. And even then, only sometimes. Well.... maybe World Cup soccer too.

    I do have one cat, and am considering a dog, but I don't really think of myself as being an animal lover. However, neither would I ever condone the intentional abuse or neglect of an animal.

    I'm pretty much drawing a blank at this point, so if you're still reading, good for you. Now start asking some direction questions!
  • Знак зодиака Водолей
Внешность и семейное положение Каково Ваше положение на настоящий момент? Опишите свою внешность.
  • Телосложение Толстяк/толстушка
  • Мой рост 182 см
  • Мои глаза Коричневые
  • Моя этническая принадлежность Белый европеец/кавказец
  • Семейное положение В разводе
  • У меня есть дети Нет
  • Хочу детей Да
  • Привлекательная часть тела Глаза
  • Боди-арт Видимые тату
  • Мои волосы Коричневые
  • Домашние животные Кошка
  • Хочу переехать Да
Статус Чем Вы занимаетесь?
  • Образование Неоконченное высшее
  • Работа/Учеба: Неполный рабочий день
  • Род занятий Искусство/Музыка/Литература
  • Род занятий Artist/Wood Turner
  • Зарабатываю в год от $15,000USD до $29,999USD
  • Живу Один/одна
  • Дома Все очень спокойно
  • Отношение к курению Нет
  • Пью Да, в компаниях
Характер Как Вы ведете себя? Каковы Ваши предпочтения?
  • В школе я был(а): Мозг
  • Мое социальное поведение Застенчивое, Наблюдательное, Сама дружелюбность, Мрачное
  • Интересы и увлечения: Искусство и поделки, Чтение, Музыка, Фильмы, Интернет, Игры, Компьютеры
  • Идеально первое свидание This just seems like the most absurd of questions to ask on a dating site. The obvious answer should be that the ideal date would be one where you get to spend time with someone who really gets you and likes you for who you are. Where you go and what you do on that date are insignificant details.
  • Я всегда хотел попробовать Making one of these online profiles just once without having to rewrite it a million times.
  • Друзья считают что я: Сама дружелюбность, Со странностями, Немного "того"
Взгляды Убеждения
  • Моя религия Не поддерживаю религии
  • Посещение служб: Раз в год
  • Моя цель в жизни "Our goal in life is to find that we have always been where we ought to be. Unfortunately, we make the task exceedingly difficult for ourselves." - Tennyson
  • Мой юмор Казарменный, Умный, Сарказм, Сама дружелюбность, Немного "того", Со странностями, Фарс, Вульгарный(ая), Садистский
Вкусы Что Вам нравится?
  • По телевизору, я всегда смотрю Не люблю ТВ
  • Предпочитаемые жанры фильмов: Экшн, Научная фантастика, Комедии, Мелодрамы
  • Предпочитаемая музыка Промышленная, Окружающей среды, Панк
  • Я люблю читать: Классика, Фантазия, Научная фантастика
  • Мои идеи классного времяпрепровождения Trying to tell you what my idea of fun is would be like trying to tell you who my favorite band is. It varies depending on my mood and the answer you get from me is likely to change from one day to the next. But if you are curious enough to ask, I have nothing to hide and am always glad to answer.
В поиске Что Вы ищите в своем человеке?
  • Считаю привлекательным: Интеллект, Юмор, Умения, Сопереживание, Чувствительность, Странности, Кокетство, Остроумие, Внимание
  • Что и кого ищете? I couldn't even begin to tell you what makes the ideal person for me. I've just always gone by that gut feeling that you know it when you meet that person, and not a minute before hand.

    I can tell you I don't have any real hang ups or fetishes as far as appearance goes. I believe a woman can be drop dead gorgeous at any height/weight/hair color/etc. As long as you have the courage to see yourself as being beautiful and take some pride in your appearance, that's all you really need in this life to be beautiful.

    I guess the only real must haves as far as who I'm looking for is you must be opened minded and have a great sense of humor. My humor tends to run towards the sarcastic and warped/obscure. People seem to love me to death or hate me with a passion for my humor, but I think it's more important to be true to yourself than to try and be someone you're not just to blend in.
  • Ищу отношения типа: Интернет друг, Друг, Свидание, Интим, Серьезные отношения

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